Serving Northwest Ohio and Southern Michigan
Commercial & Light Industrial Air Compressor Sales Experts.
Excellence and innovation built into every Commercial & Light Industrial Air Compressor Sales, Service & Installation design.
Air Tools of The Future
Your EMAX Distributor for Air Tools in Northwest Ohio & Southeast Michigan
RPS Air Compressors is a trusted industry leader when it comes to providing effective compressed air solutions. As a proud representative of EMAX’s established brand of compressors, RPS Air Compressors offers quality and reliable air tools to meet your needs
Building the future
Our Expertise
RPS Air Compressors has all your air compressor need covered from New Air Compressors, Used Air Compressors, Air Treatment, Air Tools, parts and much more!
Authorized Service Center for E-Max Air Compressors serving Ohio, Michigan, the Great Lakes and Midwest Region for air compressor service, repair and maintenance.
We are the Premiere Authorized A+ Installation Company for E-max Air Compressors serving Ohio, Michigan and the entire Midwest and Great Lakes Regions

Get an Air Audit \ Survey
Having issues or problems with your Air Compressor System? An Air Audit will help in determining what the problems or issues are with your Air Compressor system. There are many different things to take into consideration when your air compressor system is having issues.
From issues with your current system functioning correctly or looking to replace and older system or maybe looking to save money on your energy bill…
Let us help you with a solution to your Air Compressor problems.